It’s Monday. We rank things in the second to last week of the regular season!

It’s Monday. We rank things in the second to last week of the regular season!
We suddenly care about the scoring title as Bradley Beal and Stephen Curry go down the wire.
Once upon a time, the Wizards were 3-12. Now they’re the hottest team in the NBA outside of New York City.
Nikola Jokic seems likely to win his first MVP award this season.
The Wizards have won 5 in a row. Suddenly, they are within reach of the Top 10 in the East.
It’s Monday so it’s time for the Stupid Power Rankings where we take 10 things from the (W)NBA in the last week and rank them!
The Wizards stole one from the Nets in a high-octane affair on Sunday.
The Houston Rockets have won three straight. This roster really doesn’t look too bad despite the reconstruction of this team.
It’s Monday so we have Stupid Power Rankings. We take 10 things from the NBA (or not?!) and rank them accordingly. If you don’t like it, make your own rankings!
Contract tracing left the Miami Heat with not enough players to play in an NBA game. Their game against the Celtics was postponed.
We’ve seen many players declared out to health and safety protocol in the last few days. It’s extremely worrisome.
11 games went on as scheduled in the NBA. But it’s hard to watch, let alone play basketball when there are more important things happening.
It is Monday so it is time for Stupid Power Rankings! I take 10 things from the NBA (usually) and rank them accordingly! Don’t like them? Make your own rankings!
Bradley Beal is having an incredible season that will probably be lost in the annals of excellent season because of his team not doing well in the standings.
The Lakers/Celtics rivalry always gets brought up in the NBA. The league has had a lack of feuds like this in this century.
The Lakers have been winning a ton this season. They’re hoping their moves this weekend and for the stretch run lead them to the championship.